I could not catch him
Today my Grandson fell off his chair and I could not catch him.
At four pm each and every day I go on Skype to read,
a story to my Grandson, who’s four; it fills a heartfelt need.
A need for me to stay in touch, a need for him for contact
with his Bampa, it is a little thing but an unwritten contract.
As kids grow up as well we know they test the world in which they are
and his Mother had warned him not to push against the breakfast bar.
As I read the first page of our book he rocked back upon his stool,
distracted he pushed back too far, forgetting Mummy’s rule
Today my Grandson fell off his chair and I could not catch him.
In the past I’ve thrown myself across a bed to save the tumbling boy
as he launched himself to catch an inflight woolly sheep toy.
Risking all to catch it, his thought of safety far from mind,
the throw in ‘Sheep Catch’ was to be caught, my duty of care defined.
As he tumbled towards a hard landing I’d dive across the bed,
a rugby tackle to catch him and protect his little head.
Today I watched him in slow motion as he fell backwards in plain sight
On Skype, beyond my reach, I could not catch him, hold him tight.
He only banged his ear thank God so a lesson learnt and felt
for me another isolation fright that Coronavirus dealt.
What a World in which we find ourselves with this terrible daily fact
where we are distanced from those with whom we need to interact.
Today my Grandson fell off his chair and I could not catch him.
My wife and I go out each day to exercise, bring food to her Mother,
everyone with a heart and soul does something for another.
Look at Captain Tom at 99 and his amazing quest,
find love, find strength of mind, for we all must pass this test.
Anxiety and helplessness for some are very new found fears
we must retain our ability to support our family, friends and peers.
Stay safe, stay positive, we will survive this very human race,
this too will pass and we will once again hold them all in our embrace.
Today my Grandson fell off his chair and I could not catch him.